TRANSFORMATION FORMULAE / Sin(A+B) + Sin(A-B) = ? / SinC + SinD = ? / CotA + CotB = ?
In this blog, we will establish two sets of transformation formulae. One to transform the product of two sines or two cosines into the sum or difference of two sines and two cosines and the other to convert the sum or difference of two sines or two cosines in the product of two sines or two cosines or one sine and one cosine. These two sets of formulae are of fundamental importance and one should have through acquaintance with these formulae.
values of trigonometric functions at multiple and submultiple of an angle
In this blog, we will introduce the formulae expressing the values of trigonometric functions at multiple of x ie. 2x, 3x, 4x terms of the values of trigonometric funcions at x in terms of the values at sub multiple of x ie. x/2, x/3, x/4.......etc👀
Really helpful